
How Do I Beat Money Movers 3 Levle 12 On 2 Player

Structured form of play

Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for Amenhotep III with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the Brooklyn Museum (New York City)

A game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for entertainment or fun, and sometimes used every bit an educational tool.[1] Games are different from work, which is commonly carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more than oft an expression of artful or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to exist work (such as professional players of spectator sports or games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire, or some video games).

Games are sometimes played purely for enjoyment, sometimes for achievement or reward as well. They can be played solitary, in teams, or online; by amateurs or by professionals. The players may have an audience of non-players, such every bit when people are entertained by watching a chess title. On the other hand, players in a game may constitute their ain audience as they have their turn to play. Often, part of the entertainment for children playing a game is deciding who is part of their audience and who is a player. A toy and a game are not the aforementioned. Toys by and large allow for unrestricted play whereas games come with present rules.

Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games mostly involve mental or concrete stimulation, and oftentimes both. Many games assist develop practical skills, serve as a form of do, or otherwise perform an educational, simulational, or psychological role.

Attested as early as 2600 BC,[2] [3] games are a universal part of human experience and present in all cultures. The Royal Game of Ur, Senet, and Mancala are some of the oldest known games.[4]


Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein was probably the beginning academic philosopher to address the definition of the give-and-take game. In his Philosophical Investigations,[v] Wittgenstein argued that the elements of games, such as play, rules, and competition, all fail to adequately define what games are. From this, Wittgenstein concluded that people utilise the term game to a range of disparate human activities that bear to one another simply what one might call family unit resemblances. As the following game definitions show, this conclusion was not a final one and today many philosophers, similar Thomas Hurka, retrieve that Wittgenstein was wrong and that Bernard Suits' definition is a skilful answer to the problem.[half-dozen]

Roger Caillois

French sociologist Roger Caillois, in his book Les jeux et les hommes (Games and Men)(1961),[seven] defined a game as an action that must have the following characteristics:

  • fun: the activity is chosen for its light-hearted character
  • separate: it is confining in time and place
  • uncertain: the event of the activity is unforeseeable
  • non-productive: participation does not accomplish annihilation useful
  • governed past rules: the action has rules that are different from everyday life
  • fictitious: information technology is accompanied by the sensation of a different reality

Chris Crawford

Game designer Chris Crawford defined the term in the context of computers.[8] Using a serial of dichotomies:

  1. Artistic expression is fine art if fabricated for its own beauty, and entertainment if fabricated for money.
  2. A piece of entertainment is a plaything if information technology is interactive. Movies and books are cited every bit examples of non-interactive entertainment.
  3. If no goals are associated with a plaything, it is a toy. (Crawford notes that by his definition, (a) a toy can become a game element if the player makes up rules, and (b) The Sims and SimCity are toys, not games.) If it has goals, a plaything is a challenge.
  4. If a claiming has no "active agent confronting whom you compete", it is a puzzle; if there is one, it is a conflict. (Crawford admits that this is a subjective test. Video games with noticeably algorithmic bogus intelligence tin can be played as puzzles; these include the patterns used to evade ghosts in Pac-Man.)
  5. Finally, if the actor can only outperform the opponent, but non attack them to interfere with their operation, the conflict is a contest. (Competitions include racing and figure skating.) Even so, if attacks are immune, so the conflict qualifies as a game.

Crawford's definition may thus be rendered as[ original research? ]: an interactive, goal-oriented action fabricated for coin, with active agents to play against, in which players (including active agents) tin interfere with each other.

Other definitions, even so, as well as history, show that amusement and games are non necessarily undertaken for monetary gain.

Other definitions

  • "A game is a form of art in which participants, termed players, make decisions in order to manage resource through game tokens in the pursuit of a goal." (Greg Costikyan)[9] Co-ordinate to this definition, some "games" that practice not involve choices, such every bit Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, and War are non technically games any more than than a slot machine is.
  • "A game is a form of play with goals and structure." (Kevin J. Maroney)[10]
  • "A game is a organisation in which players engage in an bogus conflict, defined past rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome." (Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman)[eleven]
  • "A game is an activity among two or more contained decision-makers seeking to achieve their objectives in some limiting context." (Clark C. Abt)[12]
  • "At its most uncomplicated level then nosotros tin can define game as an practice of voluntary control systems in which there is an opposition betwixt forces, bars by a procedure and rules in order to produce a disequilibrial outcome." (Elliot Avedon and Brian Sutton-Smith)[13]
  • "to play a game is to appoint in action directed toward bringing about a specific state of affairs, using only ways permitted by specific rules, where the means permitted by the rules are more than express in scope than they would be in the absence of the rules, and where the sole reason for accepting such limitation is to make possible such activeness." (Bernard Suits)[14]
  • "When yous strip away the genre differences and the technological complexities, all games share four defining traits: a goal, rules, a feedback organisation, and voluntary participation." (Jane McGonigal)[15]

Gameplay elements and nomenclature

Games can be characterized by "what the player does".[eight] This is oft referred to every bit gameplay. Major primal elements identified in this context are tools and rules that ascertain the overall context of game.


Games are often classified by the components required to play them (due east.g. miniatures, a ball, cards, a board and pieces, or a computer). In places where the use of leather is well-established, the ball has been a popular game piece throughout recorded history, resulting in a worldwide popularity of ball games such as rugby, basketball, soccer (football), cricket, tennis, and volleyball. Other tools are more idiosyncratic to a certain region. Many countries in Europe, for example, accept unique standard decks of playing cards. Other games such every bit chess may be traced primarily through the development and evolution of its game pieces.

Many game tools are tokens, meant to stand for other things. A token may be a pawn on a board, play coin, or an intangible particular such every bit a signal scored.

Games such as hide-and-seek or tag practice not use any obvious tool; rather, their interactivity is defined past the environs. Games with the same or similar rules may have different gameplay if the environment is contradistinct. For case, hide-and-seek in a schoolhouse building differs from the same game in a park; an auto race can be radically unlike depending on the rail or street grade, even with the same cars.

Rules and aims

Games are often characterized by their tools and rules. While rules are subject to variations and changes, plenty change in the rules usually results in a "new" game. For example, baseball can be played with "real" baseballs or with wiffleballs. However, if the players decide to play with just three bases, they are arguably playing a different game. There are exceptions to this in that some games deliberately involve the changing of their own rules, only even and then there are frequently immutable meta-rules.

Rules mostly decide the time-keeping system, the rights and responsibilities of the players, scoring techniques, preset boundaries, and each actor's goals.

The rules of a game may be distinguished from its aims.[16] [17] For virtually competitive games, the ultimate aim is winning: in this sense, checkmate is the aim of chess.[18] Mutual win weather condition are being get-go to amass a certain quota of points or tokens (as in Settlers of Catan), having the greatest number of tokens at the end of the game (as in Monopoly), or some human relationship of one's game tokens to those of one's opponent (as in chess's checkmate). In that location may also be intermediate aims, which are tasks that move a player toward winning. For instance, an intermediate aim in football is to score goals, because scoring goals will increment one'south likelihood of winning the game, but isn't alone sufficient to win the game.

An aim identifies a Sufficient Condition for successful action, whereas the rule identifies a necessary condition for permissible activity.[17] For case, the aim of chess is to checkmate, merely although it is expected that players will try to checkmate each other, it is not a rule of chess that a player must checkmate the other player whenever possible. Similarly, information technology is not a rule of football that a histrion must score a goal on a penalty; while it is expected the role player will try, it is non required. While meeting the aims often requires a certain degree of skill and (in some cases) luck, following the rules of a game merely requires cognition of the rules and some careful endeavour to follow them; it rarely (if always) requires luck or demanding skills.

Skill, strategy, and chance

A game's tools and rules volition result in its requiring skill, strategy, luck, or a combination thereof, and are classified accordingly.

Games of skill include games of concrete skill, such as wrestling, tug of war, hopscotch, target shooting, and pale, and games of mental skill such as checkers and chess. Games of strategy include checkers, chess, Go, arimaa, and tic-tac-toe, and ofttimes require special equipment to play them. Games of chance include gambling games (blackjack, Mahjong, roulette, etc.), as well as snakes and ladders and stone, newspaper, scissors; almost crave equipment such every bit cards or dice. However, most games comprise two or all 3 of these elements. For case, American football and baseball involve both concrete skill and strategy while tiddlywinks, poker, and Monopoly combine strategy and chance. Many card and lath games combine all three; near trick-taking games involve mental skill, strategy, and an element of gamble, as practice many strategic board games such as Risk, Settlers of Catan, and Carcassonne.

Single-player games

Most games require multiple players. Still, unmarried-player games are unique in respect to the blazon of challenges a player faces. Dissimilar a game with multiple players competing with or against each other to achieve the game's goal, a one-player game is a boxing solely against an element of the environment (an artificial opponent), against one'south own skills, confronting time, or against chance. Playing with a yo-yo or playing lawn tennis confronting a wall is non by and large recognized as playing a game due to the lack of whatever formidable opposition. Many games described equally "single-player" may exist termed actually puzzles or recreations.

Multiplayer games

A multiplayer game is a game of several players who may exist independent opponents or teams. Games with many independent players are difficult to analyze formally using game theory as the players may form and switch coalitions.[19] The term "game" in this context may hateful either a true game played for entertainment or a competitive action describable in principle by mathematical game theory.

Game theory

John Nash proved that games with several players have a stable solution provided that coalitions between players are disallowed. Nash won the Nobel prize for economics for this of import result which extended von Neumann's theory of zero-sum games. Nash's stable solution is known equally the Nash equilibrium.[20]

If cooperation between players is allowed, then the game becomes more complex; many concepts have been developed to analyze such games. While these have had some partial success in the fields of economic science, politics and conflict, no good full general theory has notwithstanding been adult.[20]

In quantum game theory, it has been plant that the introduction of quantum information into multiplayer games allows a new type of equilibrium strategy not institute in traditional games. The entanglement of players'south choices can take the event of a contract by preventing players from profiting from what is known as betrayal.[21]


Tug of state of war is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment

Games can take a variety of forms, from competitive sports to board games and video games.


Association football is a pop sport worldwide.

Many sports require special equipment and dedicated playing fields, leading to the involvement of a community much larger than the group of players. A metropolis or town may set aside such resources for the system of sports leagues.

Pop sports may accept spectators who are entertained but by watching games. A community volition oftentimes marshal itself with a local sports team that supposedly represents information technology (even if the squad or most of its players only recently moved in); they frequently marshal themselves against their opponents or have traditional rivalries. The concept of fandom began with sports fans.

Backyard games

Lawn games are outdoor games that can be played on a lawn; an expanse of mowed grass (or alternately, on graded soil) generally smaller than a sports field (pitch). Variations of many games that are traditionally played on a sports field are marketed every bit "lawn games" for home utilize in a forepart or back yard. Common backyard games include horseshoes, sholf, croquet, bocce, and lawn bowls.

Tabletop games

A tabletop game is a game where the elements of play are confined to a small area and require little concrete exertion, usually simply placing, picking up and moving game pieces. Most of these games are played at a table effectually which the players are seated and on which the game's elements are located. However, many games falling into this category, particularly party games, are more than free-form in their play and tin involve physical activity such as mime. Still, these games do not require a large expanse in which to play them, large amounts of strength or stamina, or specialized equipment other than what comes in a box.

Dexterity and coordination games

This grade of games includes any game in which the skill element involved relates to transmission dexterity or manus-eye coordination, but excludes the class of video games (see below). Games such as jacks, newspaper football game, and Jenga crave only very portable or improvised equipment and tin can be played on any apartment level surface, while other examples, such as pinball, billiards, air hockey, foosball, and tabular array hockey require specialized tables or other self-contained modules on which the game is played. The appearance of habitation video game systems largely replaced some of these, such every bit table hockey, all the same air hockey, billiards, pinball and foosball remain popular fixtures in private and public game rooms. These games and others, as they crave reflexes and coordination, are mostly performed more poorly by intoxicated persons but are unlikely to effect in injury because of this; every bit such the games are popular equally drinking games. In addition, dedicated drinking games such as quarters and beer pong likewise involve physical coordination and are popular for like reasons.

Board games

Board games use as a central tool a board on which the players' condition, resources, and progress are tracked using physical tokens. Many also involve die or cards. Well-nigh games that simulate war are board games (though a big number of video games take been created to simulate strategic gainsay), and the lath may be a map on which the players' tokens motion. Near all lath games involve "turn-based" play; one player contemplates and then makes a move, then the next histrion does the same, and a player can merely act on their turn. This is opposed to "real-time" play every bit is found in some card games, nearly sports and most video games.

Some games, such equally chess and Go, are entirely deterministic, relying only on the strategy element for their involvement. Such games are usually described equally having "perfect data"; the only unknown is the verbal idea processes of one's opponent, not the outcome of any unknown upshot inherent in the game (such equally a card draw or die roll). Children's games, on the other hand, tend to be very luck-based, with games such as Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders having near no decisions to be made. Past some definitions, such as that past Greg Costikyan, they are not games since in that location are no decisions to brand which affect the consequence.[22] Many other games involving a high degree of luck do not permit direct attacks between opponents; the random event merely determines a gain or loss in the standing of the electric current player within the game, which is independent of whatsoever other player; the "game" then is actually a "race" past definitions such equally Crawford'southward.

About other board games combine strategy and luck factors; the game of backgammon requires players to decide the best strategic move based on the roll of two dice. Trivia games have a great deal of randomness based on the questions a person gets. German-style lath games are notable for often having rather less of a luck cistron than many board games.

Board game groups include race games, gyre-and-move games, abstract strategy games, word games, and wargames, as well every bit trivia and other elements. Some board games fall into multiple groups or incorporate elements of other genres: Attic is one pop instance, where players must succeed in each of four skills: artistry, live operation, trivia, and language.

Carte games

Card games use a deck of cards equally their central tool. These cards may be a standard Anglo-American (52-card) deck of playing cards (such as for bridge, poker, Rummy, etc.), a regional deck using 32, 36 or 40 cards and different suit signs (such as for the popular High german game skat), a tarot deck of 78 cards (used in Europe to play a variety of trick-taking games collectively known as Tarot, Tarock or Tarocchi games), or a deck specific to the individual game (such as Set or 1000 Bare White Cards). Uno and Rook are examples of games that were originally played with a standard deck and have since been commercialized with customized decks. Some collectible card games such equally Magic: The Gathering are played with a modest selection of cards that have been collected or purchased individually from big available sets.

Some board games include a deck of cards as a gameplay chemical element, normally for randomization or to keep track of game progress. Conversely, some card games such as Cribbage use a board with movers, unremarkably to keep score. The differentiation between the 2 genres in such cases depends on which element of the game is foremost in its play; a board game using cards for random actions can usually use another method of randomization, while Cribbage can just as hands be scored on paper. These elements as used are but the traditional and easiest methods to reach their purpose.

Die games

Students using dice to meliorate numeracy skills. They roll three die, and so use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they comprehend on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.

Dice games use a number of dice as their central element. Board games often utilise dice for a randomization element, and thus each scroll of the dice has a profound impact on the outcome of the game, however die games are differentiated in that the dice do not determine the success or failure of some other element of the game; they instead are the central indicator of the person's standing in the game. Pop dice games include Yahtzee, Farkle, Bunco, Liar's dice/Perudo, and Poker dice. As dice are, by their very nature, designed to produce apparently random numbers, these games usually involve a high degree of luck, which tin exist directed to some extent past the player through more strategic elements of play and through tenets of probability theory. Such games are thus popular equally gambling games; the game of Craps is perhaps the most famous example, though Liar's dice and Poker dice were originally conceived of as gambling games.

Domino and tile games

Domino games are similar in many respects to card games, simply the generic device is instead a fix of tiles called dominoes, which traditionally each have two ends, each with a given number of dots, or "pips", and each combination of two possible cease values every bit information technology appears on a tile is unique in the fix. The games played with dominoes largely eye effectually playing a domino from the player'due south "hand" onto the matching terminate of another domino, and the overall object could exist to always be able to make a play, to brand all open endpoints sum to a given number or multiple, or simply to play all dominoes from ane'due south mitt onto the board. Sets vary in the number of possible dots on 1 stop, and thus of the number of combinations and pieces; the most common set historically is double-half-dozen, though in more recent times "extended" sets such as double-ix have been introduced to increase the number of dominoes available, which allows larger easily and more than players in a game. Muggins, Mexican Train, and Chicken Foot are very pop domino games. Texas 42 is a domino game more similar in its play to a "pull a fast one on-taking" menu game.

Variations of traditional dominoes abound: Triominoes are like in theory simply are triangular and thus have three values per tile. Similarly, a game known as Quad-Ominos uses four-sided tiles.

Another games use tiles in identify of cards; Rummikub is a variant of the Rummy card game family that uses tiles numbered in ascending rank among iv colors, very similar in makeup to a 2-deck "pack" of Anglo-American playing cards. Mahjong is some other game very similar to Rummy that uses a gear up of tiles with card-like values and art.

Lastly, some games use graphical tiles to course a board layout, on which other elements of the game are played. Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne are examples. In each, the "board" is made upward of a series of tiles; in Settlers of Catan the starting layout is random but static, while in Carcassonne the game is played past "edifice" the board tile-by-tile. Hive, an abstract strategy game using tiles as moving pieces, has mechanical and strategic elements like to chess, although information technology has no lath; the pieces themselves both form the layout and tin can movement within it.

Pencil and newspaper games

Pencil and paper games require little or no specialized equipment other than writing materials, though some such games take been commercialized as board games (Scrabble, for instance, is based on the idea of a crossword puzzle, and tic-tac-toe sets with a boxed grid and pieces are available commercially). These games vary widely, from games centering on a pattern being fatigued such as Pictionary and "connect-the-dots" games like sprouts, to letter of the alphabet and word games such every bit Boggle and Scattergories, to solitaire and logic puzzle games such as Sudoku and crossword puzzles.

Guessing games

A guessing game has every bit its core a piece of information that one role player knows, and the object is to coerce others into guessing that piece of information without actually divulging information technology in text or spoken word. Charades is probably the near well-known game of this type, and has spawned numerous commercial variants that involve differing rules on the type of communication to be given, such as Catch Phrase, Taboo, Pictionary, and similar. The genre also includes many game shows such as Win, Lose or Draw, Countersign and $25,000 Pyramid.

Video games

Video games are computer- or microprocessor-controlled games. Computers can create virtual spaces for a wide diversity of game types. Some video games simulate conventional game objects similar cards or dice, while others tin can simulate environs either grounded in reality or fantastical in design, each with its own set of rules or goals.

A calculator or video game uses i or more than input devices, typically a button/joystick combination (on arcade games); a keyboard, mouse or trackball (computer games); or a controller or a motion sensitive tool (console games). More esoteric devices such equally paddle controllers accept also been used for input.

At that place are many genres of video game; the first commercial video game, Pong, was a uncomplicated simulation of tabular array tennis. As processing power increased, new genres such as chance and action games were developed that involved a player guiding a character from a third person perspective through a serial of obstacles. This "real-time" chemical element cannot be hands reproduced by a board game, which is mostly limited to "plow-based" strategy; this advantage allows video games to simulate situations such as gainsay more than realistically. Additionally, the playing of a video game does not require the same concrete skill, force or danger equally a real-world representation of the game, and can provide either very realistic, exaggerated or impossible physics, allowing for elements of a fantastical nature, games involving concrete violence, or simulations of sports. Lastly, a computer can, with varying degrees of success, simulate i or more human being opponents in traditional table games such equally chess, leading to simulations of such games that tin can be played past a single player.

In more open-concluded computer simulations, also known as sandbox-fashion games, the game provides a virtual environment in which the histrion may be free to do whatever they similar within the confines of this universe. Sometimes, at that place is a lack of goals or opposition, which has stirred some argue on whether these should be considered "games" or "toys". (Crawford specifically mentions Will Wright's SimCity every bit an example of a toy.)[8]

Online games

Online games have been office of culture from the very earliest days of networked and fourth dimension-shared computers. Early commercial systems such as Plato were at least as widely famous for their games as for their strictly educational value. In 1958, Tennis for 2 dominated Visitor's Mean solar day and drew attention to the oscilloscope at the Brookhaven National Laboratory; during the 1980s, Xerox PARC was known mainly for Maze War, which was offered as a hands-on demo to visitors.

Mod online games are played using an Net connection; some accept defended client programs, while others require only a spider web browser. Some simpler browser games appeal to more casual gaming demographic groups (notably older audiences) that otherwise play very few video games.[23]

Office-playing games

Role-playing games, often abbreviated as RPGs, are a type of game in which the participants (usually) assume the roles of characters acting in a fictional setting. The original function playing games – or at to the lowest degree those explicitly marketed as such – are played with a handful of participants, commonly face-to-face up, and keep track of the developing fiction with pen and newspaper. Together, the players may collaborate on a story involving those characters; create, develop, and "explore" the setting; or vicariously experience an risk outside the premises of everyday life. Pen-and-paper role-playing games include, for example, Dungeons & Dragons and GURPS.

The term part-playing game has besides been appropriated by the video game industry to describe a genre of video games. These may be unmarried-histrion games where 1 role player experiences a programmed environs and story, or they may let players to interact through the internet. The experience is commonly quite different from traditional part-playing games. Single-player games include Terminal Fantasy, Fable, The Elder Scrolls, and Mass Upshot. Online multi-player games, often referred to equally Massively Multiplayer Online role playing games, or MMORPGs, include RuneScape, EverQuest two, Guild Wars, MapleStory, Anarchy Online, and Dofus. As of 2009[update], the most successful MMORPG has been Globe of Warcraft, which controls the vast majority of the marketplace.[24]

Business games

Business games tin can take a multifariousness of forms, from interactive board games to interactive games involving different props (balls, ropes, hoops, etc.) and different kinds of activities. The purpose of these games is to link to some aspect of organizational performance and to generate discussions near business improvement. Many business games focus on organizational behaviors. Some of these are computer simulations while others are simple designs for play and debriefing. Team building is a mutual focus of such activities.


The term "game" can include simulation[25] [26] or re-enactment of various activities or utilize in "real life" for various purposes: e.g., training, analysis, prediction. Well-known examples are state of war games and role-playing. The root of this meaning may originate in the human being prehistory of games deduced past anthropology from observing primitive cultures, in which children'southward games mimic the activities of adults to a meaning degree: hunting, warring, nursing, etc. These kinds of games are preserved in modern times.[ original research? ]

See also

  • Game club
  • Gamer
  • Girls' games and toys
  • History of games
  • Learning through play
  • List of games
  • Ludibrium
  • Ludology
  • Ludomania
  • Mobile game
  • North-role player game
  • Personal computer game


  1. ^ "Definition of GAME". world wide . Retrieved 7 May 2017.
  2. ^ Soubeyrand, Catherine (2000). "The Royal Game of Ur". The Game Cabinet. Retrieved 5 October 2008.
  3. ^ Green, William (19 June 2008). "Big Game Hunter". 2008 Summer Journey. Fourth dimension. Archived from the original on 20 June 2008. Retrieved 5 October 2008.
  4. ^ "History of Games". MacGregor Celebrated Games. 2006. Retrieved 5 October 2008.
  5. ^ Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1953). Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN978-0-631-23127-1.
  6. ^ "Was Wittgenstein Wrong Almost Games?". Nigel Warburton. 2007. Retrieved 28 June 2013.
  7. ^ Caillois, Roger (1957). Les jeux et les hommes. Gallimard.
  8. ^ a b c Crawford, Chris (2003). Chris Crawford on Game Design. New Riders. ISBN978-0-88134-117-1.
  9. ^ Costikyan, Greg (1994). "I Have No Words & I Must Design". Archived from the original on 12 August 2008. Retrieved 17 August 2008.
  10. ^ Maroney, Kevin (2001). "My Entire Waking Life". The Games Journal . Retrieved 17 August 2008.
  11. ^ Salen, Katie; Zimmerman, Eric (2003). Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. MIT Press. p. 80. ISBN978-0-262-24045-ane.
  12. ^ Clark C. Abt (1987). Serious Games. University Press of America. ISBN978-0-8191-6148-2.
  13. ^ Avedon, Elliot; Sutton-Smith, Brian (1971). The Report of Games. J. Wiley. p. 405. ISBN978-0-471-03839-ix.
  14. ^ Suits, Bernard (1967). "What Is a Game?". Philosophy of Science. 34 (2): 148–156. doi:ten.1086/288138. JSTOR 186102. S2CID 119699909.
  15. ^ McGonigal, Jane (2011). Reality is Broken . Penguin Books. ISBN978-0-14-312061-2.
  16. ^ Schwyzer, Hubert (Oct 1969). "Rules and Practices". The Philosophical Review. 78 (4): 451–467. doi:10.2307/2184198. ISSN 0031-8108. JSTOR 2184198.
  17. ^ a b Marsili, Neri (12 June 2018). "Truth and exclamation: rules versus aims" (PDF). Analysis. 78 (4): 638–648. doi:10.1093/analys/any008. ISSN 0003-2638.
  18. ^ Kemp, Gary (2007). "Assertion as a practice". Truth and Speech Acts: Studies in the Philosophy of Linguistic communication.
  19. ^ M.M. Binmore (1994). Game Theory and the Social Contract . MIT Press. ISBN978-0-262-02444-0.
  20. ^ a b Laszlo Mero; Anna C. Gosi-Greguss; David Kramer (1998). Moral calculations: game theory, logic, and human being frailty. New York: Copernicus. ISBN978-0-387-98419-3.
  21. ^ Simon C. Benjamin & Patrick 1000. Hayden (13 August 2001). "Multiplayer quantum games". Physical Review A. 64 (three): 030301. arXiv:quant-ph/0007038. Bibcode:2001PhRvA..64c0301B. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.64.030301. S2CID 32056578.
  22. ^ Costikyan, Greg (1994). "I Take No Words & I Must Design". Archived from the original on 12 August 2008. Retrieved 17 August 2008.
  23. ^ De Schutter, Bob (March 2011). "Never Too Onetime to Play: The Appeal of Digital Games to an Older Audience". Games and Culture. vi (2): 155–170. doi:10.1177/1555412010364978. ISSN 1555-4120.
  24. ^ Woodcock, Bruce Sterling (2008). "An Analysis of MMOG Subscription Growth". Retrieved 16 November 2008.
  25. ^ "Roleplay Simulation for Instruction and Learning". Archived from the original on 5 February 2008.
  26. ^ "Roleplay Simulation Gamer Site". Retrieved 29 July 2009.

Further reading

  • Avedon, Elliot; Sutton-Smith, Brian, The Study of Games. (Philadelphia: Wiley, 1971), reprinted Krieger, 1979. ISBN 0-89874-045-2


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